Video to Slides Converter: Transform Video Lectures into Slide Presentations

This is a simple video-to-slide converter application that aims to obtain slide images (or pdf) given slide or lecture videos.

This is highly useful when one wishes to have a video lecture(with or without animations) in the form of slides – either a ppt or pdf. However, more often than not, slides are not provided when such video lectures are hosted on platforms like YouTube. This project aims to build a robust application that can convert video lectures into corresponding slides using techniques such as basic frame differencing and statistical background subtraction models such as KNN or GMG.

This project converts video frames into slide PDFs. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the code works:

  1. Argument Parsing:
    • The script uses the argparse module to handle command-line arguments. Various parameters, such as the input video path (video_path), output directory (out_dir), background subtraction type (type), hash function (hash-func), hash size (hash-size), similarity threshold (threshold), queue length (queue-len), and flags for post-processing (no_post_process) and PDF conversion (convert_to_pdf), can be specified.
  2. Argument Validation:
    • The script validates certain arguments, such as ensuring that the queue length is positive and handling the case where it’s not. It also checks if the provided video path is a valid URL or an existing file.
  3. Video Download (if URL provided):
    • If the provided video path is a URL, the script attempts to download the video using the download_video function. If successful, it sets a flag (temp_file) to indicate that a temporary file was created.
  4. Output Directory Creation:
    • The script creates the output directory for storing the resulting slides. The directory is created based on the input video path and the chosen background subtraction type.
  5. Background Subtraction and Slide Capture:
    • Depending on the specified background subtraction type, the script calls either capture_slides_frame_diff (for frame differencing) or capture_slides_bg_modeling (for Gaussian Mixture Model - GMG or K-Nearest Neighbors - KNN background subtraction).
  6. Post-Processing (Duplicate Removal):
    • If post-processing is not disabled (no_post_process is not set), the script performs post-processing using difference hashing to identify and remove duplicate slides.
  7. PDF Conversion (Optional):
    • If the convert_to_pdf flag is set, the script converts the captured slides in the output directory to a PDF file using the convert_slides_to_pdf function.
  8. Temporary File Cleanup (if created):
    • If a temporary file was created during video download (temp_file is set), it is removed after processing.

The script utilizes modular functions from other Python files (,,,,, and for specific tasks like downloading videos, capturing slides, performing background modeling, and post-processing.