Travelling-SalesMan Problem in Home Delivery Management System


This project tries to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem, optimizing the route for a delivery boy to cover a list of provided addresses efficiently. The program calculates the shortest route using the Nearest Neighbour algorithm and displays information such as distance, cost, and estimated time.


  1. ShortestPath.cs:
    • Main form class containing the logic for the Travelling Salesman Problem application.
    • Handles user input for delivery addresses and integrates with the Nearest Neighbour algorithm.
    • Displays route details, including distance, cost, and estimated time.
    • Manages the delivery boy queue and updates the route dynamically.
  2. InsertBoy.cs:
    • Form class for inserting new delivery boys into the system.
    • Allows users to add details of a new delivery boy, such as ID, name, and email.
  3. Email.cs:
    • Class responsible for sending email notifications.
    • Utilizes the SendEmail method to send route details to the selected delivery boy.
  4. Settings.cs:
    • Form class providing settings options for the application.
    • Users can configure parameters such as delivery speed and cost per kilometer.


  • Insert Addresses:
    • Users can input house and area details to add addresses for delivery.
    • The application displays the entered addresses for reference.
  • Find Route:
    • When the user clicks the “Find Route” button, the application calculates the shortest route using the Nearest Neighbour algorithm.
    • Information about the route, including distance, cost, and estimated time, is displayed.
  • Insert Delivery Boy:
    • Users can add new delivery boys by clicking the “Insert Delivery Boy” button.
    • The InsertBoy form allows users to provide details such as ID, name, and email for the new delivery boy.
  • Send Email:
    • Clicking the “Send Email” button sends an email with the route details to the selected delivery boy.
  • Settings:
    • Users can access application settings by clicking the “Settings” button.
    • The Settings form allows users to configure parameters such as delivery speed and cost per kilometer.
  • Start/Stop Timer:
    • Users can start and stop the timer to measure the interval between route calculations.


  1. Insert Addresses:
    • Enter house and area details and click the “Add Address” button.
  2. Find Route:
    • Click the “Find Route” button to calculate the shortest route.
  3. Insert Delivery Boy:
    • Click the “Insert Delivery Boy” button to add a new delivery boy.
  4. Send Email:
    • Click the “Send Email” button to send route details to the selected delivery boy.
  5. Settings:
    • Click the “Settings” button to configure application parameters.
  6. Start/Stop Timer:
    • Use the “Start Timer” and “Stop Timer” buttons to control the timer interval.


  • The application uses a dynamic queue (DynamicQueue) to manage delivery boys.
  • The Nearest Neighbour algorithm is employed to find the shortest route.
  • The program allows users to adjust settings such as delivery speed and cost per kilometer.


  • The application relies on external classes such as City, Route, NearestNeighbour, DeliveryBoy, and Email for various functionalities.

Additional Information:

  • The application includes features such as sending email notifications, dynamic route calculation, and user-configurable settings.