Linked List-based Music Player

This code is to build a basic music player with play/pause, previous, and next functionalities. The music player uses an audio element to play music tracks, and there is also a linked list (DoubllyLinkedList) to store information about different music tracks. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

HTML (index.html)

  • The HTML structure includes various elements for displaying music information, buttons, timers, and volume controls.

JavaScript (script.js)


  • Various variables are declared to store references to DOM elements such as buttons, timers, sliders, etc.
  • musicObj: An HTML audio element created dynamically. It’s set with a default music track.

Event Listeners

  1. Play/Pause Button:
    • Toggles the play/pause state of the music track using the playpauseTrack function.
  2. Next Button:
    • Triggers the dll.traverse function to get information about the next music track.
    • Updates the musicObj.src with the new music track path.
    • Plays the new music track and updates the music title and button colors.
  3. Previous Button:
    • Triggers the dll.traverse function to get information about the previous music track.
    • Updates the musicObj.src with the new music track path.
    • Plays the new music track and updates the music title and button colors.
  4. Volume Slider:
    • Listens for changes in the volume slider and adjusts the volume of the music accordingly.
  5. Music Slider:
    • Listens for changes in the music slider and adjusts the position of the music accordingly using the changeMusicPos function.


  • playpauseTrack(): Plays or pauses the music track based on the current play/pause state.
  • updateMusicSlider(): Updates the position of the music slider based on the current time of the music track.
  • changeMusicPos(): Changes the position of the music based on the value of the music slider.
  • changeMusicTitle(title): Updates the displayed music title.
  • changePrevNextColor(): Updates the color of the previous and next buttons based on whether there are previous or next tracks in the playlist.

JavaScript (doublelinkedlist.js)

  • Defines a Node class representing a node in the doubly linked list.
  • Defines a DoubllyLinkedList class with methods for pushing nodes, setting the default pointer, and traversing the linked list.
  • Creates an instance of the DoubllyLinkedList class (dll) and inserts three music tracks into the linked list.


This code creates a basic music player with functionality to play, pause, go to the next or previous track, adjust volume, and seek through the track. The music playlist is implemented using a doubly linked list.