
DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton)


The provided C++ program implements a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) using a menu-driven interface. The DFA is defined by specifying states, final states, alphabet, and transitions. Users can perform operations such as checking strings against the DFA, saving and loading configurations.


  1. main.cpp:
    • Implements the main logic for managing the DFA.
    • Utilizes a menu system for user interaction.
    • Supports operations like defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.
  2. DFA.hh:
    • Contains the DFA class, representing the deterministic finite automaton.
    • Provides functions for defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.


g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -c
g++ main.o DFA.o -o DFA

e-NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automaton with ε-transitions)


Implementation of Nondeterministic Finite Automaton with ε-transitions (e-NFA) using a menu-driven approach. Similar to the DFA program, it allows users to define states, final states, alphabet, transitions, and perform operations like checking strings against the e-NFA. The program supports saving and loading configurations.


  1. main.cpp:
    • Implements the main logic for managing the e-NFA.
    • Utilizes a menu system for user interaction.
    • Supports operations like defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.
  2. e_NFA.hh:
    • Contains the e_NFA class, representing the nondeterministic finite automaton with ε-transitions.
    • Provides functions for defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.


g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -c
g++ main.o e_NFA.o -o e_NFA

NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automaton)


This C++ program implements a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) using a menu-driven approach. Similar to the DFA and e-NFA programs, users can define states, final states, alphabet, transitions, and perform operations like checking strings against the NFA. The program supports saving and loading configurations.


  1. main.cpp:
    • Implements the main logic for managing the NFA.
    • Utilizes a menu system for user interaction.
    • Supports operations like defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.
  2. NFA.hh:
    • Contains the NFA class, representing the nondeterministic finite automaton.
    • Provides functions for defining states, final states, alphabet, transitions, showing transitions, checking strings, saving configurations, loading configurations, and halting the program.


g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -c
g++ main.o NFA.o -o NFA

Note: The compilation steps are provided assuming the use of g++ on a Unix-like system. Adjustments may be needed for different environments.